Reclaiming Lost Pearls
Membership Reactivation
Are you interested in reactivating your membership? This page is designed to assist inactive members with their return to active membership. We are a legacy of sisterhood and service and welcome you back with open arms.
We would love to have you visit the next URO Chapter meeting. Our in-person meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month, excluding July and August.
Business attire is required at all regular chapter meetings. Visiting members are encouraged to arrive a few minutes early and to provide two forms of identification, including a government-issued ID and one of the following:
Current or past financial card
Copy of the original membership certificate provided by AKA Corporate Office
Transfer verification form from your respective chapter with the required signatures
Receipt with your name from a cluster, regional, or international AKA conference
An Ivy Leaf Magazine showing the member’s name and address
​For more information on the transfer or reactivation process and how to download the appropriate submission forms (Transfer Verification Form, Graduate Chapter Reactivation Form), visit the international website by clicking the link below.